2025 Commish T-Shirt Promo
Here's a smokin' hot deal on a Commish Tee


What better way to thank you for 21 years of loyalty than giving you a smokin' hot deal on a Commish Tee?

Reg price: $20. Sizes: L-4XL. Material: 50/50, moisture wicking.

The deal:

  • Don't get a draft kit with purchase....full price
  • Get one of our smaller (Medium and Jumbo) Off-The-Shelf Kits....$15
  • Get ANY OTHER kit in the store or Magnetic Updates....JUST $10 (2XL-4XL a few bucks more)
  • NOT available OUTSIDE OF USA & CANADA as shipping would be cost prohibitive

Choose if:
•You live in the USA or
•if you live in Canada and order
a kit that ships from USA as it'll
ship with the rest of your kit.
Choose if:
•You live in Canada AND you are
ordering a Canada-Only kit

NOTE: Canadians get the same deal
except that you'll see $5 shipping at
checkout to cover a separate shipment.